Three Constitutional Amendments We Can Ratify Now!

Probably one the most notable legacies of the world’s most revolutionary document, The Constitution, is not only the liberties it entitles all citizens or the checks and balances it provides the government, but the ability to amend it.  The Constitution has been amended 17 times in American history (I do not want to bore anyone with a history  lesson, so stay with me).  It has been amended to abolish slavery, to grant the direct election of Senators, to ban alcohol, only to allow it again, and to grant eight-teen year olds the right to vote.  The Amendment process has done many things to help society progress, and it is time to do it again.  Here are three examples of Amendments we can rarity today, if we are bold:

Campaign Finance Amendment:  There is already a movement to pass an amendment like this, as you can find it at  This amendment would clarify that corporations, unions, non-profits, and all other entities are not people and can thus be regulated by state, local, and federal governments, while affirming that The Constitution protects natural persons only.  The Amendment would also claim that money is not speech and not protected under the First Amendment.  It would give Congress, state, and local governments the power to regulate monetary contributions from corporations, unions, and other entities for the purpose of influencing legislation.  Federal, State and local governments shall require that any contributions and expenditures be publicly disclosed.  This amendment will help to undo the damage done by the disastrous Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court and help improve the credibility of our elections.

Marriage Equality Amendment:  This amendment would define marriage under the law as between two consenting adults, over eighteen, and not between two immediate relatives.  It would give all couples, regardless of sexual orientation, the same legal and financial rights and benefits of all heterosexual couples.  Also, religious organizations and churches would not be forced by law to accept any marriage, as they sometimes do today.  This amendment would just be one more step to granting equal marriage rights to all Americans, regardless of sexual orientation.

Drug Legalization Amendment:  Let’s be clear; this Amendment would only apply to the legalization of cannabis and other hemp products.  The Amendment would legalize the use and possession of marijuana and all hemp products.  It would impose a sales tax on its consumption, as determined by local and state governments, establish the age limit for use and sale to 18, and regulated by the FDA.  The Amendment would grant legal protections to hemp farmers, protect doctors’ ability to prescribe cannabis for medical purposes, and the individual’s use of medical cannabis.  Lastly, the Amendment would bring an end to the War on Drugs, by barring the DEA, FBI, ATF, and all other state and local agencies from infringing on the rights of any individual to grow, sell, or use cannabis and hemp.

Obviously, these Amendments still need to be ratified by the House, Senate, and 3/4s of the states.  We need outside the box solutions to tackle just three of this country’s present needs.

About Sportocracy

I am a college-aged journalist exercising my First Amendment rights to rave on sports and politics.
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2 Responses to Three Constitutional Amendments We Can Ratify Now!

  1. Interesting, but I doubt any of these would actually go through.

  2. Sportocracy says:

    Due to the current electrol and idealogical make-up of many states and even Congress, these Amendments would never go through in the near future. Hopefully I’m wrong and our elected officials come to their senses.

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