The Confused Mind of Mitt


Another headache for the Romney campaign

After providing a great deal of fodder for the media to dissect and giving his camping yet another headache following his series of gaffes during his visit to London, Mitt Romeny is back on the gaffe bandwagon. We all know how opposed Romney and the rest of the GOP establishment are to President Obama’s healthcare law — aka Obamacare. The mantra for his campaign and for House Republicans has been to repeal and replace the healthcare bill. They are on a crusade to put the nail in the coffin to Obama’s “socialism” and to “death panels” and to “a government takeover of healthcare.” Nothing would please the GOP and Mitt Romney more than throwing out the President’s signature legislative achievement, along with millions of people with pre-existing conditions. Wait, did I just insinuate that Mitt Romney has a consistent view of healthcare. Well, if that is the case, then the former governor is engaging in serial flip-floppery once again.

In his visit to Israel, Mitt Romeny found himself praising Israel’s healthcare system. A system that is the dystopian nightmare haunting the very soul of the Republican party; a socialized healthcare system that mandates its citizens to be insured in which no one can be denied access. It is truly a vision straight out of Orwell’s 1984. It is an example of cosmic irony that the very healthcare system Romney and his GOP allies love to bash as raising healthcare costs and rationing care, is in fact less costly than the America healthcare system (allegedly the best the world has ever known). As Romney stated in Jerusalem: “Do you realize what health care spending is as a percentage of the GDP in Israel? 8 percent. You spend 8 percent of GDP on health care. And you’re a pretty healthy nation. We spend 18 percent of our GDP on health care. 10 percentage points more.” Yes, Mitt Romney, who opposes a much more centrist approach to healthcare reform, just praised a healthcare system to the left of Obamacare. The flip-flop meter is going through the roof! A so-called “severely conservative” man thinks that the U.S. should emulate a system that provides a state-run healthcare program for all its citizens, but at less the cost than and with better outcomes. Just so you know, the average life-span for an Israeli citizen is 82.0 years, whereas the U.S. citizen has life-expectancy of 78.2 (according to the UN), a dramatic difference. This proves that Israel knows what a successful healthcare system constitutes, while exhibiting none of the major problems the right-wing in America claim exist in state-run healthcare.

This hypocrisy is just another problem for the candidate, as i disproves that he truly represents the conservative ideology of the GOP. Furthermore, it disputes that Romney might repeal Obamacare and replace it. He will probably repeal Obamacare and replace it with Romneycare — no wonder he just loves mandates. One wonders when Romney is outside American airspace he reveals his true opinions, while in America he simply holds the view of whatever is popular among his base to win votes from conservatives. In a quest to vote for anybody but Obama, Republicans might just vote for a candidate whose healthcare plan might just be anything but just like Obamacare. His campaign is a sinking ship after his disastrous trip to London, and his comment in Israel sinks it even further. Mitt is just the confused captain aboard.

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